The Perfect Picnic Outfit

9:10 PM

Yes I took this with a selfie stick!

 Man can Florida get hot. It was so hot at the picnic yesterday, my face kind of felt like it was burning. But, hey who wouldn't come to visit here during the summer especially with all our amazing theme parks :D

          HI guys. I know I went MIA on the outfit posting for a few weeks, but I told you I'd be back! I guess I can call this outfit a classic "me" outfit because it consists a few things: 1) long and flowy, 2) a kimono (or komodo dragon as my fiancé calls it), and 3) floral print. I wore this outfit for our multi-mosque Eid picnic (which was very nice actually), because it's really light (material wise) and comfortable and it was long enough where I could wear leggings underneath instead of jeans or pants (because I honestly don't know how people do that in this weather).
But since it was for Eid, I dressed it up with a long chained necklace that I honestly haven't worn since probably high school. I think because my scarf style changed, I forgot how to wear the long necklaces. But since the high-low maxi is loose, I was able to throw it on and add a little fancy shmancy to the outfit. Of course I always have my rings...I love rings. With the komodo dragon having...oops, I mean kimono! Thanks irfan *squinty eyes to the side emoji*! The kimono has both the emerald forest green and salmon pink on it allowing for the scarf to flow well with the high-low maxi dress. Very simple outfit, even you could put something like this together! Well hope you guys loved the outfit and are having a fun-in-the-sun (or shade preferably) summer!

OMG where did you get that!?
Kimono: Ross
High-Low Maxi: Ross
Leggings: Victoria Secret
Black Long Sleeves (undershirt): Old Navy
Scarf: Al Warda Collection
Rings: H&M
Necklace: Charlotte Russe

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  1. nice dress
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