
Oops I did it again.

3:32 PM

So guys...I just might've bought another kimono. Okay no yeah I did buy another one. But okay, first off it was on sale and secondly look how cute it is! It's a different style from what I have, and it was floral *insert emoji with heart eyes*. I bought it without thinking what I could wear underneath or what scarf I could wear. There's only so many colors you can wear with this such as white, light blue, magenta, and different assortments of purple. I thought I was stuck because I had tried a white tunic underneath but it wasn't giving me the look I wanted. But then...of course as purple always does, it saved the day! And I totally forgot about this scarf color that I had, it's actually quite vibrant which is different from what I normally wear but it's good to venture out when it comes to scarf colors. Simply threw it all together and bam! You know you like it, even if it's basically another kimono outfit!

Well for all those taking exams still, oh how much I don't want to be you...but good luck, you are almost done! And for all those done, wooooo we're done!!....well until summer classes!
It's summer time, so it's time for cute #ootds so don't forget to dress it up because life's too short to dress boring!

Omg where did you get that!?
 Kimono: Cotton On
Plum Dress: H&M
Leggings: Victoria Secret
Scarf: sanzaa.co.uk
Purse: Steve Madden
Gladiators: DSW

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