12:50 PM

I have weird inspiration sometimes. I was driving home and saw this "NO TRESPASSING" sign before I turned into my street and thought "hm, I want to take a picture with that sign" and decided to figure out an outfit appropriate just for that sign. How do you think I did? This cardigan is honestly one of the best articles of clothing that have joined my closet. throw it on a plain black (or other solid colored) blouse and you can either do black or colored jeans, and you're good to go! You can put it on a maxi, with harem pants, with combat boots, with gladiators...and the list goes on. Not to mention, it's also really comfortable because of how light and breezy it is, so if you have long day out but still want to look cute, this is perfect for that! Well I hope my weird inspiration gave you some inspiration to shop (if you don't have one of these already) or make an outfit like this! ~Because life's too short to dress boring~

OMG where did you get that!?
 Aztec Cardigan: Cotton On
Black Blouse: Cotton On
Red Skinnies: Charlotte Russe
Black Combat Boots: Charlotte Russe
Arrow Ring: H&M
Sunglasses: Cotton On

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