2:11 PM

It's the "I have a dream" look
Whether African-American or not, whether American or not, everyone is familiar with that quote said by none other than Martin Luther King (by the way you guys are in for a good read :D). Yeah sometimes we joke around and say "I have a dream that school will end and summer will come," but today's outfit is inspired by the dream in your heart and following through with it. Everyone has a dream, everyone wants something and it's kept, as cheesy as it sounds, in everyone's heart. So if you have a broken heart, mend it. If you have a lost heart, focus and find what you're looking for. If you fear that when you say  "I have a dream to do what's in my heart" won't come true, kill that fear and just follow what's in there and you'll get there. DREAM BIG. And NEVER I mean NEVER think you can't achieve that dream. Well that's my motivational rant for the week!
 But as every outfit comes with a story, this week I decided wearing this loose-fit flowy heart covered shirt and pattern blocking with one of my favorite floral scarves that I haven't worn for quite some time. Now let's time talk about this new item in the closet committee...first off, that maxi dress was too cheap not to buy; I'm enjoying how though it's like a maxi, the slits let you add a dash of color. A part of me was not sure if I should do boots or gladiators since it is a maxi but the slits let you work with either.

Well whether it was the motivational rant or the outfit or even both, I hope you enjoyed this week's post and dressing it up because life's too short to dress boring!

Omg where did you get that?!

Heart Blouse: H&M
Maxi Dress: Cotton On
Leggings:  Cotton On
Boots:  overstock.com
Scarf: Charlotte Russe
Purse: Steve Madden
Ring: Charlotte Russe

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