
For the People

2:19 PM

When someone asks you if you posted an outfit you're wearing, it not only says that you're wearing a cute outfit, but that you've got at least one person who keeps up with your style because they like it and its effective for them. Sometimes we measure success by how many people notice us or how many likes we can get on that particular picture, and I'm not saying those things don't play a role, but we have to remember what we define as success. For this, I define my success as me being able to help other hijabis (or non-hijabis) come up with appropriate, suitable-for-their-style, and fashionable outfits that give them confidence and pride in their hijab. And when I get approached like that or I'm asked what the post is for Monday, even if it's just one person, then I know I've been successful. So for that one person that made me feel as if I'm doing this right, thank you! This outfit is for you! :)

This one is for those that went to camp

 OMG where did you get that!?
Dress: H&M
Cardigan: Old Navy
Jeans: Charlotte Russe
Scarf: Sanzaa.co.uk
Sunglasses: Cotton On

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