Let's Be Real

11:53 AM

Don't you love candids
Okay let's be honest, this what a #myoutfitsmonday looks like when you wake up for class at 8:30 am and have to stay on campus till 8:00 pm. But big old sweaters you just pull out of your closet can be cute too! Though this is my first time actually wearing a sweater to school...I usually don't allow myself to be this lazy, but my brain decided to be on over drive studying physiology, so I had a fashion "brain fart."
The outfit is the epitome of your classic "I-can't-think-of-what-to-wear" but still want to look cute! The necklace I just threw on because who doesn't like a tooth necklace (even though people think I got it from an elephant).

 Omg where did you get that?!
Sweater: H&M
Jeans: Charlotte Russe
Scarf: sanzaa.co.uk
Necklace: Forever21
Shoes: they were a gift

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