Out with the Old, in with the Bold

4:38 PM

I blame my bro for this picture
I know -- first think you're going to ask, "where has stylebyfj been!?"..or maybe not, and if that's the case, then awwwwkward. You deserve an explanation as to my temporary disappearance and I'm sorry I hadn't posted, trust me I was missing it! But just as last year, in respect for the time we (as in Muslims) take to commemorate the sacrifice of the Holy Prophet's grandson, Imam Hussain and his family, I decided not to post. And just recently I was extremely blessed enough to visit the grave sites/ shrines of him and his family in Kerbala, Iraq during an auspicious time called Arabeen ( click on the link to read about it! ----> http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/sayed-mahdi-almodarresi/arbaeen-pilgrimage_b_6203756.html ) This trip was beyond what words could describe and a part of me still thinks it was too good to be true to happen, but with prayers it did.

 Okay, so that's basically what I have been up to but now I am back! And right in time to do the last post of 2014! Where did this year go, I honestly have no idea. But it's times like this where we reminisce on the good times of this year and how much we have accomplished (or in my case, wanted to accomplish *insert laughing emoticon here*). This last post unlike last years post, has got some meaning to it. And it relishes in that scarf, which oh my gosh how much do you love that color! I finally found THE color of blue I was looking for and I promise you if my eyes could turn into hearts like the emoticon, they would have. Not only is the color so attractive and just a very pretty color, it's bold and just straight up POPS. And to make it stand out more, I've made it the only colorful part of the outfit as the rest is mainly black with the exception of the spotted black and white blouse. And yes of course, I had to add some edge with the combat boots, I couldn't help myself and you guys know how I love my combat boots.  But, moral of the outfit is that just like the scarf, I want us to each start our new year bold and bright! I feel like I'm a motivational speaker right now, but I was once told about the law of attraction -- if you think positive, you will attract positive. So start the year off positive and hopefully it will be a good year!

I apologize for writing rather massive paragraphs but it's been so long since I've talked to you guys and I could probably continue talking, but I shall save my words for the new year posts!

Oh how could I forget....
OMG where did you get that!?
Leather jacket -  H&M
Blouse - H&M
Black Jeans - Charlotte Russe
Combat boots - Charlotte Russe
Scarf - some store in Dubai
Purse - Steve Madden
Ring - Charlotte Russe

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