Outfits don't always say how fashionable you are

9:47 PM

"Husayn put the free in freedom"
I apologize if this week's read is not as "fashion" filled, but it's something I wish to represent and hope you all join me.
First off, who is Husayn? For those who do know, you can skim through this..for those who don't, here's a little information on who this man is. What you basically need to know is that he is the grandson of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (s.a.w). He was the third Imam (there's a total of twelve), or as I used to explain that as an Islamic leader following his father, Imam Ali and his brother Imam Hasan.

Like I said, I don't want to make this too long so I'm just going to get straight to it. Just as they all had done, Husayn was the leader of his time to spread the peaceful message of Islam. But with spreading it and making sure the true peaceful ideals were known, came difficulties. These difficulties weren't just having to deal with the people of the society back then, but it was the ruthless brutality and injustice him and his family suffered that "could awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader," as Edward Gibbon, an English historian states. Though his fight was to keep Islam alive at that time, it turned out to mean much more than that.

"Husayn put the free in freedom"
Freedom is never just for one type of people, but for everyone. So just from this you can understand that Husayn's suffering was not just for Shias, and not just for Muslims, but for the peace and justice of all of humanity. He put the free in freedom from cruelty, and freedom from injustice all over the world whether you're Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, black, white, or hispanic.

I understand I made you read a lot, but I am honored that I have such a model of peace and justice to look up to and follow and in doing this, I am doing my part not to spread Islam, but this humanitarian message that came from the ultimate sacrifice of one man and his family.

To read more about who Husayn is you can click on the link below:


Also, if you would like to order the shirt and other types similar to it, you can click on the following link:


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