We should always be thankful, but since today's the day to give thanks..

8:48 AM

To start off, I would just like to give Florida a big round of applause for the actually CHILLY and FALL weather it's giving us on this day! So thank you Florida! No but honestly, you guys have no idea how much I'm enjoying it...last night I wore my leather jacket and it was actually appropriate weather to wear it!

So, I've already done my fashion post for the week, and as much as I want to post my thanksgiving outfit for the day, I think right now, (as everyone else is doing) would be the appropriate time to really express how I am grateful one having the support to start something even as small as this blog, to everything!

(This won't be too long...I hope) Oh and the pictures are kind of scattered but they're just my family and friends and other things I'm thankful for, so enjoy!

 Family, whether we get into arguments, whether we don't talk for a while (because one brother is on the other side of the world), whether we've been through some pretty bad times, family is always there. I don't think there are enough words to say how blessed I am (and thankful to God of course) that I have my the family that I do. There are some people in my family that have really had my back when getting into "fashion blogging" like my three brothers and my cousins, so thank you guys so much for always being there and giving me that positive reinforcement.

Your friends are the family that you choose, or the phrase is something like that! But basically as cliche as this sounds, I'm extremely thankful for some of the friends I have in my life. They've honestly been there too many times to count. There's one specific friend that I've always shared my ideas about my outfits she's always been responsive and believed that I could do it more than I believed in myself. I'm really lucky to have her in my life along with a few other friends that I could honestly call family. It's so repetitive and everyone says it but I really don't know what I'd do without you guys.

It's because of my belief and living the life as a "hijabi" to be honest that has pushed my fashion button and triggered it to coming up with my own sense of style and what is truly part of my identity. All thanks are to God in the end of the day, and one of the biggest thanks is that I'm born a believer of a religion of peace and humanity. I guess this is all I have to say because I don't exactly know how to express how I am thankful for this part of my life, but I am.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this (sorry it wasn't a fashion post...but if it helps I think you'll love next week's outfit) and thank you for taking your time to read this (or half or even less) and for just keeping up with me and my closet!

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