
#fatemas21st #behindthescenesgirls

1:57 PM

It was a while ago (well sort of) that they asked me what I would like for my 21st birthday since it's a big one (and the last big one for that matter). Ideas were shared and than I had no clue what was going on, well somewhat...then I showed up. And it was seriously the best 21st birthday party ever. Did I know how much trouble they went through to do this? Well not how much, but I know they went through too much. Do I know why they did it? Not exactly. Do I love them for it? Yes. It's not everyday you get extremely lucky to have people put a lot of their time and energy for you to have just one day of awesomeness but memories that will be kept forever (sorry guys, ever since I got engaged I think I got more sappy).  All I know is that one, they're going to remind me of this whenever they need a favor (lol possibly); two, they're getting it big time, and three, I have no idea what I'd do without them.

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