Florida Needs to Turn it Down a Notch

1:39 PM

My facial expressions though...
*sigh* Never ready
I'm pretty sure there's some massive thermostat in this state, because oh my gosh it's just too hot. We hijabis, regardless if it's one or two, we have to layer up. We just can't escape it sometimes so obviously when it's really hot you try to go for your thinnest layers and work with it. I like to escape jeans when the sun is super high so I try to find something long, light, and cute of course so I can wear leggings. I don't know if I mentioned this, but I've been really wanting another kimono. So I was getting ready to head out and just grabbed this somewhat sheer floral dress (which has been blogged previously) and thought about unbuttoning it since it wasn't completely closed like a regular maxi. But that was when I realized, I had another shape shifter! I just made this maxi into a long kimono :D And let me tell you it doesn't even feel like it's there because it's so light. Well this was another shape shifting idea I wanted to share with all of you so you can start digging through your closet to see what shape shifters you have!


Omg where did you get that?!
Dress: H&M
Black Dress (underneath): Cotton On
Scarf: sanzaa.co.uk
Belt: Wetseal
Rings: Beya, H&M
Purse: Steve Madden
Watch: Steve Madden
Gladiators: DSW

I nerd on real quick.

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