Wanna talk about it: I need to talk about it

2:00 PM

Hello fashionistas!
Okay, first of all I'd like to apologize. I know I spontaneously stopped posting outfit pictures on Monday, but I promise you it's not something permanent (I'll be back *terminator voice*). I know I keep on telling you I'll do my fun post next week last week so technically this week (woah my head hurts), but I came upon something on my Facebook newsfeed and felt it needed to be talked about.
I think I was so worked up about this because it was more of a wake up call to me more than anyone else. But now that it has my attention, I want it to have your attention too.

 I had mentioned a few posts ago that Muslims all around the world are going through their month of fasting. So yes, it is such a blessed month because of the spiritual cleansing but culturally it's also a blast because we take time to make our favorite dishes for one another and it honestly just feels like a feast for 30 nights. A lot of us are really lucky to have that and we should say alhumdullilah (meaning thank you God in Arabic) for it.

Like I said, this was more of a wake up call for me; I know we all say "but we have to think about the less fortunate and those that don't have what we have," and we do have to think about them, but I will admit that usually it just stops there. And just the thought about them and praying for them (which is all good stuff don't get me wrong), isn't enough. They need help and we need to see that. And that's what shocked me. When I saw a picture of a mother crying because she has to tie her young sons stomachs so they don't feel the hunger in the middle of the night. This mother feels that asking for help has become a burden on the rest of the world and that we have given up on her. United Nations WFP (World Food Program) had to cut food distribution because of lack of funds. I mean really? Lack of funds. And that's when I knew I was at fault for this as well. Like everyone else I always think about those who don't have as much as we do and pray for them. I'm not sure where this saying is from exactly, but if you do your best, God will do the rest. What is our best? Is our best just remembering them? Or should our best be taking not even 2 minutes and even just donating $5?

I apologize if any of you feel like "I'm giving a lecture" on how you need to give to charity more, that was not my intention and I hope I didn't make you feel bad. I needed to write this because this is me doing my best and making more people aware of how much time it requires to donate however much is possible for you. I'm just one human being trying to help another human being out, and I really hope you join me in doing the same. BELOW is the link posted to donate and please share it with your friends and family.

To read more about WFP: http://www.wfp.org/



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